AIYEMIDARA is a Praise/prophetic song that came out of my mouth in 2006 on the walk way of the University of Ilorin. I tried so hard to get admitted into the university for so many years after my SSCE but it didn’t work. I passed my jamb exams for good 4 years but admission was just difficult. In 2006, post UME was introduced and all you needed to be admitted was a 50 50 pass mark but I had 120 120 and my name was number 4 on the admission list. On my way home after registration and clearance, Aiyemidara came through in my heart and I sang it out that day. Brothers and sisters, forget the level where you are and praise God with this prophetic song then watch our God make your life beautiful indeed. God has never stopped doing wonders and yours won’t be an exception in Jesus name…..Eje ajumo gbe ga 🎼🎼🎼 come let’s exalt Him together
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Joesphine Ehigie